#277: Karma Kids "Vibes Part 2" Album Preview!
Karma Kids was formed in 2019 by Jon Benjamin and Zaac Wesco. They ran with the dubbed sub-genre “emocore” debuting with a double album, “Dystopian Dream” in early 2020, which featured driving early 2000’s emo instrumentals with screaming vocals. The band started gaining traction notably from the single “Matrix” which featured Bowling For Soup’s Jaret Reddick. Throughout 2020, they recruited Vito Hicks, Brandon Sloan, and Topher Kirnec to complete the five piece. In late 2020, the band ditched the screaming vocals and put out an EP titled “Chemical Drugs”. Shortly after the release, the band announced a partnership with Legend Recordings/InGrooves Music Group to handle distribution. Once again, they move to another corner of the emocore horizon with “vibes part 2.” by adding in elements of emo rap into the songs. “vibes part 2.” is due out October 8th.