#273: A Review of the New Album "This Is How The World Ends" from Badflower

Tonight's episode is a review of the new album from Badflower "This Is How The World Ends". Let me just start by saying, WOW! This album does exactly what "Ok I'm Sick" did, only with more tears. It is very emotionally charged, and does not hesitate to call people out on their crap. This album is raw and real, in a way no other album ever has been before. This episode is dedicated to you.

Buy the album here

Track listing

1 Adolescent Love

2 Fukboi

3 Family

4 Johnny Wants to Fight

5 Stalker

6 Everyone an Asshole

7 She Knows

8 Only Love

9 Sasshole

10 Don't Hate Me

11 Tethered

12 Machine Gun

13 My Funeral


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