#336: From South Dakota, Hard Rock Band, Blond Viper
When you hear AC/DC or Aerosmith, you think powerful hard rock. Now put another band on that list. Blond Viper is the next incarnation of the genre, and their music is keeping classic hard rock alive.
Crash | Blond Viper (bandcamp.com)
#336: From South Dakota, Hard Rock Band, Blond Viper - The Dark Side Of Music | Podcast on Spotify
The Dark Side Of Music: #336: From South Dakota, Hard Rock Band, Blond Viper on Apple Podcasts
The Dark Side Of Music | iHeart
The Dark Side Of Music - #336: From South Dakota, Hard Rock Band, Blond Viper (google.com)
#336: From South Dakota, Hard Rock Band, Blond Viper-The Dar (amazon.com)
The Dark Side Of Music - #336: From South Dakota, Hard Rock Band, Blond Viper on Stitcher