#324: West Virginia Band, Happy Hour Homicide

H3 Came about during in the midst of Chaos 2020 brought us. After the lockdown was initiated, the founders had ample time to work on musical projects, seeing also as how start-up funding was delivered thru this measure, the band came to fruition. H3 blends Metal-Core, Nu-Metal, with accents of Death Metal & is the brainchild of founders Keith Lusk & Pat Belcher (Creep), continuing on the path the brothers were once on with their prior band "Bone Cauldron".

Keith Lusk - Guitar/Backing Vocals Patrick Belcher - Drums Steve Tomasik - Vocals Joey Lowe - Bass/Management

H3 is currently in the studio working on the final preparations for their debut E.P. “Hollow Point Epiphany” to be released on “Living Dead Recordings” & digitally in the late spring of 2021. The band has contracted Mikey Stephenson of “Classic Recording Studio” in Bristol, VA. For the full recording & production duties for these works.

Spotify – Happy Hour Homicide

Happy Hour Homicide (facebook.com)

The Coldest Hits & The Smoothest Rips - Freeze Pipe – The Freeze Pipe Code "suck" for 10% off

The Dark Side Of Music: #324: West Virginia Band, Happy Hour Homicide on Apple Podcasts

#324: West Virginia Band, Happy Hour Homicide - The Dark Side Of Music | Podcast on Spotify

The Dark Side Of Music | iHeart

The Dark Side Of Music - #324: West Virginia Band, Happy Hour Homicide (google.com)

#324: West Virginia Band, Happy Hour Homicide-The Dark Side (amazon.com)

The Dark Side Of Music - #324: West Virginia Band, Happy Hour Homicide on Stitcher


#325: Kentucky Southern Rock Band, Tattered Sons


#323: Dallas Texas Band, Up For Corruption