#321: Christian Metal? **Trigger Warning**

**Trigger Warning** The things spoken by me are my words and my beliefs. The words spoken by my guest Dustin from the band "Through This War" DO NOT REFLECT the views of this show or it's advertisers. I firmly believe Metal is about community and inclusion, however the views of this band do not fall in line with that. However I still gave him a voice to promote his music even though I don't agree with his beliefs. This is a quote from Dustin "I went through a period of pretty bad depression after I left the Marine Corps. It flared up again really bad when I went to prison in Jan 2020. But things are on the up and up right now and God has done an amazing work."

The Dark Side Of Music: #321: Christian Metal? **Trigger Warning** on Apple Podcasts

#321: Christian Metal? **Trigger Warning** - The Dark Side Of Music | Podcast on Spotify

The Dark Side Of Music | iHeart

The Dark Side Of Music - #321: Christian Metal? **Trigger Warning** (google.com)

#321: Christian Metal? **Trigger Warning**-The Dark Side Of (amazon.com)


#321: From Spain by way of Texas, the band D.C.T.


#320: Austin, TX Modern Hard Rock Band, PURE