#258: Blue Ridge Rock Festival Rising Talent, Friends In Hell!

Here we go, the final 3 shows before we head to Blue Ridge Rock Fest! Today I bring you a band out of Tucson, AZ playing Thursday on the HeartSupport Stage. Ladies and Gentlemen I give you, Friends In Hell!

During times of hardship where every member was going through their own personal "HELL" three members Cody, Noah, and Tobias started writing music in their bedroom. Though shortly after decided to take the leap to make their little songwriting project into a full fledged band called Friends In Hell during the early half of 2019. One year later came their debut EP They Follow Me, which was released in August of 2020. Friends In Hell is a Tucson, AZ based Metalcore/ Deathcore/ Hip-Hop infused band. They consist of screaming vocals Noah Dwaileebe, rhythm guitarist and backing vocals Cody Arbizo, and bassist PJ Lester, drummer Berkie Allen, and lead guitarist Toni Holguin. Their latest release "Get Out Of My Face" is available everywhere now!

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#258: Blue Ridge Rock Festival Rising Talent, Friends In Hell! - Suck It! Podcast | Podcast on Spotify

Suck It! Podcast | iHeartRadio


#259: Blue Ridge Rock Festival Rising Talent, Dying Oath!


#257: Blue Ridge Rock Festival Rising Talent, Burn On Re-Entry!