#270: Suicide Prevention Awareness and Aurin Returns!

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness month, this is a tough subject that needs to be talked about. The guitarist for Aurin, Andrew, lost his brother to suicide. Either you or someone you know has been affected by suicide, and with that, Aurin and myself dedicate this episode to you.  We try to keep the episode lighthearted as well by talking about food, George Carlin and a certain body part. However it is done to break up the subject of suicide to keep you invested in what we say next. This episode got really deep, but was also funny. We hope that you get something out of this, and that it makes you smile. YOU MATTER! If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide. Please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1800-273-8255


Google Podcasts



Apple Podcasts


#271: Friday Night Frenzy with the band, One Of The Last


#269: Dying Oath Returns! No Crying this time!